“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”
This cliché attempts to motivate people to start anew and to put past experiences behind them. For me, today’s message is particularly meaningful. I still remember where I was when the COVID lockdowns began. I was with a group of fellow friends, and we watched television as the governor made the big announcement. What followed was a year and a half of chaos, uncertainty, and waiting. On the one hand, I’ve never worked harder. It just seemed like all the results were deferred, and I had to enter a time of patience and delayed gratification. I am looking forward to this new season with great expectations.
One buzzword from 2020 was “essential “and “nonessential” employees. Think about that. Many people were deemed “nonessential.” We should consider “front-line” workers with the highest esteem; they are heroes. Meanwhile, today’s post targets those who might have a hard time moving forward because this season of isolation and uncertainty has them feeling “nonessential.”
Have you ever felt like if you were gone that no one would notice?
Have you ever felt small and insignificant? If ever there was a sentiment that was contrary to the gospel, it was that one. Each person bears the image of God and possesses inherent value. Regardless of whether you feel essential or not, God has plans for you. The Bible is full of examples of people who felt unqualified, unworthy, and insignificant. Yet, God used those people in extraordinary ways and beyond their capacities.
You are essential to the body of Christ.
I encourage you to return to church gatherings (following local guidelines). Many of us have gotten out of the habit of attending weekly worship services, and now is an excellent time to reconnect. God made us for corporate worship and community. These gatherings not only allow you to reconnect socially, but they also allow you to grow spiritually. You will probably find many people who feel the same way you do.
Starting Over
This summer, as life begins to get back to normal, I encourage you to rest in God’s promises and embrace his future for you. Those who are in Christ are new creations. There is no need to look back – trust Him with your future.
“Today is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24
Don’t base your future potential on your abilities or your talents, your net worth, or your ambitions. Begin anew with scripture and a desire to follow God’s plan for your life. Leave the results to Him and enjoy the journey.