Wishing you a blessed Good Friday

Clarence E. Macartney once pointed out that both phrases, ”It is finished” and ”It is done,” were spoken by Christ to his beloved disciple, John. The first phase was on the cross and in the darkness. In the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a great voice, ”It is finished.” (JOHN 19:3)

John heard the second phrase in a vision on the isle of Patmos. This vision shows a triumphant Christ sitting on the throne. (Revelation 21:6) Macartney explained, “The first cry, ”It is finished,” proclaimed that the foundation of the temple of redeemed humanity had been laid; the second cry, ”It is done,” proclaimed that the glorious structure had been completed. Between the two cries stretches the history of the church.”

As we pause to acknowledge Christ’s sacrifice for our sins on Good Friday, do so with the knowledge that his work is done and that he offers hope to anyone who believes.


Pastor Mike

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