Discipleship in the 21st Century: Embracing the Digital Age

In a rapidly changing world and becoming increasingly digital, the concept of discipleship needs to adapt and thrive in the 21st century. Traditional discipleship methods, such as face-to-face interactions and in-person meetings, are still valuable, but incorporating digital tools and strategies can enhance the disciple-making process and reach a wider audience. In this blog post, […]


Ash Wednesday is full of joy…The source of all sorrow is the illusion that of ourselves, we are anything but dust. – Thomas Merton Last week was Ash Wednesday. Ironically, it happened to Fall on Valentine’s Day. Nonetheless, it signifies Lent’s first day, a time of spiritual preparation for Resurrection Sunday that happens approximately six […]

Who Was St. Valentine?

Last year, over 20 billion dollars was spent on Valentine’s Day in the form of roses, candy, and gifts. If you asked the average American who St. Valentine was, you would likely hear that he was the inventor of the holiday, some romantic character, or cupid. Saint Valentine of Rome was martyred on February 14 […]